Baez Beats Bar

I was always puzzled by rumors that Dominic Casey knew where Caylee’s body was all along and he was instructed by Cindy Anthony to get rid of it. Well, he never did find it and Cindy said nothing of the sort. Where he got that tip is anyone’s guess, but I think it came from Kiomarie Cruz, Casey Anthony’s childhood friend. She met with a police investigator at Hidden Oaks Elementary School last July and said that she and Casey used to play in the nearby woods and that’s where they buried their dead pets. Having been to the crime scene many times, I can state with authority that the spot where Dominic Casey looked, while Jim Hoover videotaped, was 150 to 200 feet east of the actual site, closer to the school. That puts him much nearer to the area where Kiomarie said to take a gander.

Another aspect of this case has perplexed me for some time, too, and that is the silly rumor that José Baez, George & Cindy, Casey Anthony and Dominic Casey were (and still are) in bed together, conjuring up tales to cover-up the murder. Throw in Brad Conway for good measure. For one thing, if Cindy knew where the body was all along and she sent her PI lapdog into the woods to fetch it, why was it found a month later by an unsuspecting meter reader who turns out to be part of Leonard Padilla’s daisy chain theory? (Does anyone still believe that one?) Why wasn’t it collected and thrown into the ocean, a scant 45 minutes away? Why did the PI look in all the wrong places? What really confuses me is why did he accuse José Baez of wrongdoing if they slept in the same bed? Do they still? Sure, if you choose to believe it.

What happened was something that confounds me to this day because it makes absolutely no sense at all if the above names were part of some sort of sinister love fest bound together by one common cause: to protect Casey Anthony at all cost. If so, why did Dominic Casey complain about Baez to the Florida Bar, launching an investigation? He was the one who tattled. One concerned a discussion he “allegedly” had with Casey Anthony’s attorney about what to do if he found Caylee’s body. Do not call 911! Call me and I’ll take care of it! The other issue dealt with payment for his services back when he was employed by Baez, prior to his involvement with George & Cindy.

In the end, members of the Bar’s Grievance Committee found “insufficient evidence” that Baez did anything wrong. Impossible, you say! Well, the Bar committee reviewed documents and interviewed a lot of people, including Baez, before coming up with its conclusion. One thing the esquire said was that he did not recall any such conversation with the PI and he never would have instructed him to walk away and call him instead of 911 if he found the missing toddler. Will this put the rumor of an alleged conversation to bed? Not a chance. He is a liar. Rumors against him will never die and Andrea Lyon is fat. The Florida Bar is wrong!

Meanwhile, Baez advised the Bar that he would review all of Dominic Casey’s invoices for services rendered and discuss them with the investigator. Yesterday, Baez said that he was pleased with how the investigation ended. “I think we’ve had plenty of unsubstantiated accusations in this case,” he said. “And it only motivates me to fight harder.”

What happened to Judge Stan Strickland’s involvement in the complaint? Beats me. Wasn’t he supposed to be in on it? I guess it goes to show you that you can’t always believe what you hear in the media because his name was not mentioned by the Bar. Not to kick start another old rumor, mind you, but where are George and Cindy these days? Quietly writing a book? Let’s ask Kathi Belich. She’s the one who told us the BREAKING STORY of the Simon & Schuster book deal, signed on the dotted line! Also, when will the Florida Bar investigate Brad Conway? And that fat lawyer, too. The crybaby.